Align yourself with the RETS Pixel

  • Signup for a RETS Pixel Key
  • Use your Key in <img> calls inside listing report pages
  • Login for viewing anlaytics on your listings per the RESO Tracking specification

Click here to view a quick 101 video on the RETS Pixel project


What is this?

This is a tracking method that you can use to monitor usage of real estate listing information on your website per the RESO Internet Tracking specification.

The RETS Pixel will store tracking data that has been outlined by the RESO Internet Tracking workgroup.

How does it work?

The RETS Pixel works by asking developers to place an html <IMG> tag in the listing detail reports of a real estate website. The developer will send the unique MLS number of the listing and their RETS Pixel key via querystrings in the <IMG> tag.

Why is this different than Google Analytics™?

Google Analytics is an excellent, cost-effective solution for tracking but it does not provide for the RESO Internet Tracking specification. By implementing RETS Pixel, you open the door to integration with other RESO certified industry solutions.

Here are a couple of examples:
  • A brokerage firm could combine the RETS Pixel data with tracking data from consumer portals and MLS systems that are using the RESO Internet Tracking fields.
  • An MLS can use the RETS Pixel on their public site and integrate the tracking data with their other MLS products into a dashboard analytics tool.

How do I combine it with other RESO Tracking data?

Use this dashboard to download your tracking data in the approved RESO format then combine the data with other RESO Internet Tracking sources for a complete picture of viewing activity on your listings from multiple vendors.

As long as each vendor is using the RESO Internet Tracking standard - the data will matchup.

Dashboad Example

Questions on the RETS Pixel project?